Saturday, July 6, 2013

claude cahun put pepper in my milk

Claude Cahun 
One of the first female photographers to devote most of her 
image production to the self-portrait.  Her distinctive feature 
was that she used herself as a model to present a number 
of experiments with identity and gender – both as a reflection 
on her own search for an identity and as a comment on the 
social gender perception of the time.
Cahun staged herself beyond the familiar gender roles as an 
androgynous or transexual being in a surreal world.  
André Breton (1896-1966) and others admired her for the 
distinctive way she problematized female identity and the 
female gender.  Her self-portraits are among the most important 
and radical expression of the re-examination of female identity 
in the 1930´s.