The name, Dandelion, comes from the French, dent de lion,
or tooth of the lion. A couple common names in lore for this
herb are priest's crown, pig's snout, pee in the bed, fairy clock,
clock, clock flowers, clocks and watches, farmers clocks,
old mans clock, wetweed, blowball, cankerwort, puffball, and
wild endive.
The Dandelion, though not occurring in the Southern Hemisphere,
is at home in all parts of the north temperate zone, in pastures,
meadows and on waste ground, and is so plentiful that farmers
everywhere find it a troublesome weed, for though its flowers
are more conspicuous in the earlier months of the summer,
it may be found in bloom, and consequently also prolifically
dispersing its seeds, almost throughout the year.
excerpt and more reading
As a detoxification herb, it helps cleanse the liver by stimulating the
production of bile and its flow to the gallbladder, one avenue through
which the body naturally removes toxins. Dandelion leaves are
also a diuretic. Steep the roots to make dandelion tea, or add
the leaves to salads. Dandelion is simply one of those unglamorous
weeds that you've been poisoning or pulling out of your garden
and lawn, stepping over or on, and possibly tossing it aside.
This beauty is one of the world's most powerful healing plants.
The entire weed can build and maintain good health:
boost your immunity, strengthen your liver, help you build
strong blood, counter colds and the flu, increase your vitality.
My first introduction to the hundreds of hidden magiks in our own
backyards was by Susun S. Weed with her enormous steps
to enlighten the populace.
This green menagerie may have left our typical diet but maybe it was
hiding until we have found it again. Wellness Mama is a superb source
to find out more on the dandelion.
image My Pantry Shelf |
image Lara Allport |
installation Regine Ramseier |
print Hey Harriet |